Finally I came to a rest area and pulled in. 总算来到一处落脚休息的地方,我把车停靠了下来。
Alongside the company there are flower garden, rest area and smoking area. 公司两侧设有花园绿化区,提供桌椅休息区、吸烟区。
Italy is burning, and the rest of the euro area could be consumed with it. 意大利火情告急,大火还有可能蔓延至欧元区其他国家。
These studies reviewed four Rest Area projects in these Districts. 这些研究在这些地区的服务区项目中接受检验。
The recommendations will assist the Department in determining the current and20 year rest area system needs. 这些建议符合当前和未来20年的服务区系统需要。
However, following the oil crisis and rampant inflation of the early1970s, funding constraints reigned in the rest area program. 然而,随着20世纪70年代初的石油危机和愈演愈烈的通货膨胀,资金不足的原因限制了服务区计划。
In the main bedroom, the master of almost second nature to use a rest area closed to the functional areas and study, the conversion of a closed space with a sub. 而在主卧室中,主人驾轻就熟利用一个柜子做休息区与读书区的功能划分,一个柜子转换了空间的合与分。
Every few runs, the cold forced us back to the rest area, to thaw out and blow feeling into our fingertips. 每滑几次,寒冷都会迫使我们回到休息区,缓缓冰冻的手指尖,让它们恢复知觉。
The park consists of9 key areas such as historical and cultural area, area for the aged, water plant area, lake area, rest area and children playground. 主要有9大景区组成,分别是历史文化区、老年活动区、水生植物区、湖区、观赏休憩区、儿童游乐区等。
The powder room rest area, by contrast, is a very masculine decoration. 而女厕所休息区则恰恰相反,是非常阳刚的装修设计。
Diet restaurant and sports rest area have well-equipped facilities and reasonable decoration layout and provide beauty service and SPA. 营养餐吧、运动休息区、设施齐备、装修布局合理,提供美容服务,SPA。
The lobby is small, there is a small rest area and a breakfast cafe. 大堂很小,有一个小的休息区和一个提供早餐的咖啡厅。
Sluggish growth in the rest of the euro area is something of a mixed blessing ( see article). 欧洲其他地区经济的缓慢增长也让人喜忧参半。
Jocelyn: Brian, the roller coaster is super fun! Why do you want to stay in the rest area? Let's go ride the Freefall! 云霄飞车超好玩的!你干嘛想待在休息区?咱们去坐自由落体!
After a long drive, I stopped at a rest area to find a restroom. 在长途开车之后,我在休息站停下来找厕所。
It provides afternoon tea, night rest area and conference room free of charge for guests in the executive lounge. 为行政楼的宾客提供免费的下午茶与晚间休息场所及会议室。
Based on findings in the report and input from the Districts, the next step is to focus on developing an implementation plan for the future of the statewide Rest Area System. 基于地区报告的结果,下一步的重点放在发展未来全国范围内的服务区系统的实施计划。
A "Rest Area System Improvement Team" was established to provide direction. “服务区系统改善小组”的成立为这项计划提供指导。
The primary purpose of the Rest Area VA studies was to identify ways to reduce construction costs while maintaining or improving project quality. 它是一种通过函数分析研究提高产品性价比进而提高产品价值的方法。价值分析的建议不应该包括项目功能方面成本削减。
In1962 the Legislature requested the Division of Highways to develop a master plan for a rest area system. 在1962年的立法会要求路政署司制定了一个服务区体系的总体规划。
Rest area planning, design and operation involve many stakeholders and partners. 服务区的规划、设计和运行涉及到许多利益群体和合作伙伴。
Inside the store there are also rest area, discussion area and tasting area that often provides tasting of drinks and coffee. 卖场内设有休息区、谈话区、品尝区,不定期提供饮料试饮和各国咖啡优惠品尝。
New rest area system master plan recommendations were completed in2011 by the research firm, Dornbush Associates, for the Landscape Architecture Program. 2011年,新的服务区系统总体规划的建议,由Dornbush联营公司研究完成。
And according these characters, traffic flow characters were analyzed going into or out of service establishments, such as gas station, maintenance station and rest area and etc. 根据这些特点对进出加油站、维修站和休息区等服务设施的交通流特点、交织区交通冲突点的位置及冲突的严重程度和视距条件进行了研究。
The local covered X ray technique used in the process of residual stress measurement is a technique means that the concerned area is exposed and the rest of area can be screened from X ray. 本文所述的局部屏蔽法即是在X射线测量过程中的下遮挡法,即是将被测部位暴露出来,而将其余部位进行遮挡以对X射线进行屏蔽。
The suitable land is chosen for developing red tourism first and made functional zoning: land for food and rest area, the tourist management area, shopping plaza, cultural education base, recreation facilities. 将选好的旅游开发用地进行功能分区:餐饮休憩区、游客服务管理区、购物广场、文化教育基地、游乐区。
Interchange and other facilities ( tunnels, service areas, rest area and toll station) as a major component of the highway, the reasonable spacing values will directly affect the quality and highway traffic safety. 互通式立交和其他设施(隧道、服务区、停车区和主线收费站)作为高速公路的主要组成部分,其合理的净距值将直接影响高速公路运行质量和行车安全。
The front part of calf hutch was exercise area, and the back was rest area. 犊牛岛前部为运动区,后部为休息区。